Melancholy playlist for a rainy day

June 10, 2009 § 1 Comment

It was cool and sort of rainy this morning, so after I dropped Crete off, I switched the iPod over from Sesame Street to my “Melancholy” playlist, for some nice, chill music on my way in.

Here’s my first ten tracks, and what I think about them:

  1. “Buckets of Rain” by Bob Dylan — Man, I love this song. Dylan is a lyrical genius.  (How’s that for an understatement?) “I like your smile and your fingertips. I like the way you move your hips. I like the cool way you look at me. Everything about you is bringing me misery.”
  2. “Running to Stand Still” by U2 — My all-time favorite song by U2. Just a great, great tune off a great, great album.
  3. “Soul Suckers” by Amos Lee — People trying to steal your soul with false promises of having your best interest in mind. Sounds like work lately.
  4. “Gravity” by John Mayer — To this point, probably Mayer’s best song, and this soulful live version from the Continuum Special Edition gives a quick glimpse into the awesome soul of this song.
  5. “Please Come to Boston” by Jackopierce — Ah, junior year of college. You were the best and worst times of my life.
  6. “Realize” by Colbie Caillat — This is one of the best debut albums I can remember in a while. I think “Realize” is a better song than “Bubbly” but it wasn’t as pop sounding, so it didn’t get the credit it deserved. This chick can sing.
  7. “Bittersweet” by Big Head Todd and the Monsters — First time I saw Dave Matthews Band, Big Head Todd was the second band on the bill. Bittersweet pretty much fits in with this playlist, both in music and in name.
  8. “Mona Lisa” by Guster — I always thought that if I ever made a movie (and honestly, who doesn’t have those conversations with themselves?) that this song would be great at some pivotal emotional scene. (Yes, I’m a dork, and yes, I know it.)
  9. “Next Year” by Foo Fighters — This was the theme song to one of my favorite TV shows of all times (Ed). I have always loved this song, and Dave Grohl is awesome.
  10. “The Ballad of Love and Hate” by The Avett Brothers — I’ve talked enough about the Avetts on this blog, but this song is simply good.

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§ One Response to Melancholy playlist for a rainy day

  • Liz says:

    I can’t believe you pulled out a Jackopierce tune! Not only did I at one time own all of their CDs, but I have seen them in concert and a HS friend is Jack’s cousin. Love that version of Please Come to Boston!

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